Why I'm pro choice and you should be too.

Why Im pro choice and you should be too.

I saw a YouTube video of the cutest little baby boy drinking milk from his bottle. He was adorable, but it seemed like no matter how cute, loveable, and innocent the baby was- I was still pro abortion and nothing could change my mind. Here are a few reasons why I'm pro choice.

1. People's negative opinions on the poor. Most people on this site say that healthcare should be a privilege and only given to those who can afford it. Unfortunately, a lot of women who want abortions are poor and or in a abusive relationship. Does it really make sense to prevent poor women from getting abortions AND stop them from going to the hospital and getting medical care, causing the baby to suffer?

2.. Being an unwanted child really fucking hurts.

When my mom was 31, she gave birth to my brother and my brother passed away after a freak accident. My parents sued the hospital and got over 100K. My mom still wanted another child, but my dad didn't. After pressuring him, she got pregnant again. And here I am. Growing up, it was painfully obvious my dad didn't want kids and only did it for my mom. My dad was barely around me. Forcing people to keep kids they obviously don't want or aren't able to care for will harm the child and have long lasting affects.

3. To save children from suffering

Sometimes the child's mother isn't fit to be a parent. Abuse, drugs, diseases, and it's best for the mother to abort. You could say put the child in foster care, but even then the child still has a high chance of being abused and even raped.

I'm not saying that mass murder is okay and that women shouldn't be responsible for their actions, I'm just talking about the long term effects. This world is a very cold place. Most people are only out for themselves. People who are pro life don't adopt kids, don't go out to help foster kids, they walk pass the homeless man on the street, yet, they still call themselves heroic.

Why I'm pro choice and you should be too.
23 Opinion