Left vs Right. Why our discussions about politics so fake and so disingenuous.


I do not really like terms. A better approximation are the terms liberal and conservative.

At GaG we have this fake conversation constantly ongoing about politics. I can assure everyone here, no one is concerned about public policy in these discussions.

Conservatism is basically the ideology of the pragmatist. It is not extreme in any sense of the word. Its compelling in that it is based upon simple facts, logic, and basic truths. When I picture a man who is the definition of conservatism, I can see none other than Mr. George Will.

The Conservative Sensibility
The Conservative Sensibility

The ideology has several threads, but among the most compelling is Fiscal Conservatism. Fiscal conservatism is about cutting government spend, lowering taxes on the populace, cutting budget deficits and debt, and reducing the government's role in local politics to making certain that Constitutional freedoms and rights are guaranteed. But making certain that it has enough power and authority to enforce that guarantee.

A central government only strong enough to ensure freedoms for citizens.
A central government only strong enough to ensure freedoms for citizens.

Social/Moral/Ethical conservatism, was not just about religious beliefs. But also about conduct and character. Religious conservatives provided the source of morality and conscious for the nation. Be it in the abortion debate, slavery, equal rights, marriage/divorce, all the way to other end that was anti-gay, anti-premarital sex, etc. Not that they would seek legislation to prevent such things, but that these acts/beliefs did not lend themselves to building a strong stable society. The whole concept revolved around the concept of the nuclear family. Strong families built strong communities.

I became a conservative with the understanding I could believe in most of these ideals and principles while still being a proud young "Black" man. That I could think that affirmative action was bad. Not because of some fake belief that it hurt "White" people. But that it hurt the process that forced "Black" people to build the impressive educational infrastructure we had. I could be proud of the traditions, customs, beliefs, music, etc. that African-Americans had created in this separate sub-culture, while still being against abortion and federal welfare aid. I was proud to support policies like school choice, when I felt gave African-Americans to build the type of educational infrastructure we needed in our communities.

Well, it is quite evident now, that the debate is fake. Because we don't discuss public policy. We pretend to talk about social program or the social safety net. When no one cares about these programs. The term socialism is throw around and it has no meaning here. Because socialism is defined as the means of production, distributions, etc. owned by the government. Here is only means the social safety net. So none of these ideals or principles are in question. We quibble over silly nonsense like;

1. When a "White" woman refuses to date "White" men . . .that woman is by definition a liberal.

2. But a "Black" man who says derogatory things about "Black" women and refuses to date them is a "Conservative".

Left vs Right. Why our discussions about politics so fake and so disingenuous.

3. The constant confusion over making interracial dating a statement of politics. Sometimes it is liberal. . .sometimes it is conservative. Trolls can't make up their mind. But I think at this point we can say for certain they are disingenuous whenever the argument is put forth.

4. Constantly pointing out the failures or shortcoming of specific non-"White" communities, but calling any attempt of that community to resolve those problems on its own. . .racist. The point of Conservatism is to have individual communities, cultures, etc. resolve issues without government taxpayer funded relief, or "interference".

5. In this forum, the notion that America would be anything less than the leading democracy on this planet is considered to be "Conservative". That is beyond ridiculous.

6. No supposed Conservative here even knows what is written in the Constitution. It is a sad thing that we do not require the test I had to study, take, and pass when I was 13 years old. i was forced to read the entire Constitution and pass the test. It is a requirement in my state.

7. The constant defining of Conservatism as being "White" or European traditional values. Every single culture or ethnic grouping has Conservative values. They may not be ones "Whites" are comfortable with, that makes them no less Conservative. There is this persistent lie that all non-"Whites" do not have traditions or belief in strong communities, families, gun ownership, etc. American society isn't very sophisticated as somehow just because you are not "White", that means you support divorce, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, etc. A lot of non-"White" people are much more morally/ethically conservative than so called "conservatives". The funny thing is that at GaG they are considered to be EXCEPTIONS.

8. Some people are proud of their culture. Even if their culture isn't considered to be "White" or European. And that is the quintessential Conservative. Believe it or not.

I can't wait for the day when conversations will stop being fake. Having different views is admirable. Being so cowardly that you can't talk honestly about those differences is not.

Left vs Right. Why our discussions about politics so fake and so disingenuous.
27 Opinion