Black Lives Matter and what it actually means


Okay so if a cause is important enough to someone they should be able to take the time to explain it properly. This is what I am doing now.

So let's break this down first.

It begins with slavery

okay so yes hundreds of years have passed since we had a enslaved person in this country...this is true. That doesn't mean the effects of it doesn't still exist.

This is how it impacts us.

So after slaves were freed little changed for them. Education was a very limited option. So disadvantages still there, many continued to do the jobs they did as a slave because it was all offered but with little or no pay since it was clear they would not be punished by the law if they didn't pay them because the law also still looked upon them as nothing but freed pets.

This continued for a few generations. Education was still the same thing white people went to better schools with better teachers and we were still not allowed the privilege that white people were allowed. Do not eat with them, wash clothes with do not dare speak to them do not have the same education opportunities because they got the teachers that nobody else wanted to teach them.

It was also limited to teaching them just what the government wanted them to learn, which was far less than white people.

As for the housing. They laid out poor excuses in housing that black people were allowed to live in. The food in these areas were less quality than non black communities. So now in America white communities have had generation after generation to continue to grow while we are still kept just 1 step above a slave.

1954 just 66 years the first school allowed blacks to go to their school and have the same quality education as white students. Even still they were harassed by students that did not want them there.

Late 1970's was when the country finally allowed this to happen. Less than 50 years ago or 2 generations ago. They were still harassed and given less attention by many teachers.

While whites had hundreds of years to have unlimited opportunities to become rich follow their dreams freely, just less than 30 years ago we were given the opportunity to even live like white people from 200 years ago. Whether your family took advantage of these opportunities is something you need to discuss with them, not me.

Defunding the police

So one thing the media loves to do is tell all of us how to see everything. This included.

So yes it is true what kapernick said. The original police were slave hunters converted to police. They were weapons for many whites who used them to remind black people where we stand, which was beneath them.

No to this day a small group of white people still do this. They see a innocent black person walking through their neighborhood they call the police claiming they are suspicious. So now here comes the police harassing him. Their thought if they are harassed evertime they come in my neighborhood they will stay out of it. Or in many videos it is seen a kid walking and a Karen begins harassing them and the black person either argues back or ignores them, their response call the police. Again using the police as a weapon to keep us in our place. (Again not all do this)

The police are called to many calls that they are not equipped to handle, what is being asked is not disbanding the police but limiting what calls they go to. Take a portion of the budget and hire more social workers, more therapists and have them either come with the police or handle the situation instead when it is a non life threatening situation.

Why doesn't BLM address black on black crimes

simple answer they do. They have peace walks in high crime communities. They teach the youth about what this does to their community, and teach them the importance of turning in and reporting these criminals. They try to help educate them.

One reason their is crime in the black communities is still a lack of quality food and opportunities in those areas, so BLM has food drives to bring better food to this communities.

The real question is why is this part of the organization not talked about by the media? Because as always they want to control what you know about them.

Police brutality

Now any person of any race that dies is truly sad. But for me the biggest problem becomes what happens after the murder or accidentally death of a black male. Instead of saying we made a mistake and we will figure out what we can do to prevent it.

It becomes it their fault we took his life or went overboard. They sweep it under the rug move problem officers to other areas where they can do it again, and they usual do. It isn't until we have to protest and call them out that they are forced to do something, and usually they put on a show and make up an excuse as to why it was okay to carelessly kill an unarmed black man.

While white men who murder several black people armed and dangerous are taken to jail unharmed. So yes, there comes a time when as a poc you have to feel like does our lives actually matter.

Again we know this is a small portion but when you encourage and enable them to do it that is a problem.

Ahmad Aubery murdered in cold blood by 3 armed white men while jogging. They hop in a truck chase him down and murder him as he tries to defend himself.

Do our lives matter?

The police sweep it under the rug and say stand their ground.

It gets uncovered and protests begin forcing people to do something. Many people first reaction that's his fault for trying to defend himself from three men caring guns aiming at him, and those three men had all the right in the world to make a citizen's arrest on him and also all the right to murder him.

Learn the law neither were right, they never seen him commit a crime, and they initiated the attack and the only life ever in danger was the man who died.

When a black man commits a crime and is murdered by the police the first reaction on the internet is he was a thug and got what he gets. Including Mr. Aubery who never committed a crime and had as clean of a record as could be found.

A white male travels states with an assualt rifle and murders 3 black men, he is made out to be a hero and a protector of this country.


Again more media manipulation. Yes there is a small group of protesters causing trouble and rioting which is disgusting and bring shame to the black community, because we have people who instead of helping our cause are hurting it. People and media use this to ensure people do not support us asking for equality.

Also what is not talked about by the media is the double standard and some other reasons for riots.

1 riot was started by a white police officer wanted to incite hatred so he masked up and started a riot, many racist white people have traveled across the country just to attack protesters so violence will begin, and play the victim.

Some riots also started by white people as well who decided they are angry about brutality.

This is not acceptable behavior by BLM.

But now double standards. Some Angry frustrated black people allow their emotions to cause riots, violence and burn and loot stores. They are thugs and criminals for their actions.

Riots by white people usually over sports. Their team either win the championship or lose the championship. The same violence and destruction of property occurs, people laugh and joke our they just bunch drunk idiots having fun.

BLM believes in violence

No not true, this is a major movement in the black community. We are fighting for equality. Something this country was supposedly founded on.

So yeah a bunch of lunatics wanna join the cause, example Hawk Newsome. He is a racist idiot. He does not have any affliation with BLM. He tried to be apart of them but his racist hateful ways was rejected by them.

So he opened a group he called Black lives matters new york chapter.

This has no affliation with the real blm and they have over and over again denounced his words and actions. Many groups have popped up throughout the country acting just like him. Again none are with the true blm. However for their own reasons the media keeps trying to make people think they are 1 in the same.

White privilege

Yes it exists. The best part of being privileged is being born raised and to experience it becomes so normal that you begin to think it's not privilege but how it is supposed to be.

When it has been this way for hundreds of years it is even easier for it to seem normal.

It doesn't mean all white people are able have all the opportunities.

But when you had hundreds of years of a system that ensure your on top and everyone else get the scraps. That's the privilege.

When white people have power from this same system and it is just passed to other white people to ensure it stays that way. White privilege.

When Michelle Obama is said not to be a good example of what a first lady should dress like because she wears sleeveless dresses, while Melania trump does the same and we hear nothing. If we earn a postion of power we are overly scrutinized to prove we do not deserve it.

Just last month a bank got in trouble for this.

An interracial couple decides to sell their house.

So a black female request an appraisal of her house.

They come back with a value of 150,000 dollars.

She tells her white husband this does not seem right and he agrees.

One week later he goes and requests the same appraisal from the same bank.

This time the appraisal comes back at 386,000 dollars.

There are many examples of this still happening. We don't make things up just to make white people feel bad. They are still happening.


This country has many great things about it as well as horrible things about it. This country was founded on equality it's what we are fighting for.

We love this country and a lot of times it feels like this country doesn't love us back.

We are trying to help improve this country because we love this country.

Black Lives Matter and what it actually means
Black Lives Matter and what it actually means
35 Opinion