Can We PLEASE get the #MeToo movement to just stop?

Can We PLEASE get the #MeToo movement to just stop?

The whole metoo thing is just honestly pathetic and it paints women as weak and just MASSIVE bank account expenses. When it comes to guys who just want a relationships.

What actual good has come from the metoo movement? Sure the "victims" get eventually money but lets be honest money ain't going to fix the scars and what transpired. Anyone who claims it does now your just excusing women to double dip cause they were submissive to men who took advantage of them cause THEY LET THEM.

If your really such a strong independent woman wouldn't you know not go into a situation where a man is going to hold power over you?

As if thats not enough guys are being forced to ask women or potential partners to make VIDEO recordings of mutual permission to have intimate relationships. OUT OF FEAR OF BEING SUED and or metoo'ed.

And thats not even getting to the fact that at a certain point all the metoo allegations just end up becoming stereotypical. Which makes people inevitably just quit caring as it turns from I'm a victim into "I'm another metoo victim who wants this dude who I let abuse me and take advantage of me. I now want his bank account." It just gets to a point of woman who called wolf.

Don't get me wrong women who are abused and taken advantage of deserve their retribution but at the same time its becoming like the hunger games entry process. Rather than caring about the abused victim its becoming. "Who's next... To sue the next millionaire or billionare."

Can We PLEASE get the #MeToo movement to just stop?
3 Opinion