This is an example of thug culture that plagues the inner cities.

It's not necessarily the 3 robbers, but the worship of thugs as a holy class.
Three thirds of American blacks are for more policing, and blacks by the definition of critical race theorists, who will try any trick to decrease that percentage in their push polls.

One can assume the proportion maintains the same regardless of skin color in the inner city. (and probably higher than 3/4.)
Those 20 whites are the thug culture, the priestly class of the inner cities actively oppressing the whole of the inner cities by enforcing impunity.

The rest aren't to blame for their predicament, the drive by shootings, the rampart violence and corruption. But they do have options. Either rebel against the priestly cast of thugs now, or their children will have to be the ones to fight even harder battles, like what's happening in South Africa. And they are already starting to do it, by the way, little by little, everywhere else in the world.

And they should not expect the foreign to come to their aid, the brits didn't end widespread legal chattel slavery in the world expecting others to do it for them.

The americans didn't ended slavery by expecting the DNC thugs to be defeated by foreign forces. (much to the contrary, they were actually funded by Canadians)

The brazilians didn't ended slavery by waiting for britain to invade and end it for them, the cops, army and populous refused to enforce it, focusing on violent criminals instead, filled with shame for not doing it sooner. Even slave masters started freeing their slaves on mass out of fear of repercussions, showing that at least some of the thugs can be redeemed.

The defaulters were bound to organize and riot, we figured out the instrumental value of human agency over slavery, of simplicity over double standards, of logic over authority, predictability over prescription, insurance over status, delayed gratification over indulgence, empiricism over ego, civility over identitarianism, dignity over saving face, freedom over safety, liberty over control, due process over blind vengeance, and the list doesn't stop.

It's time to stand on the shoulders of giants, claim the hill we are willing to die on and thrive there! Their attempts to divide us are everfailing, and the more we wait, the worst it gets.

This is an example of thug culture that plagues the inner cities.
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