A, B, C. Similarities between Trump political machinery and the Sandinista regime.


A) They recall the ideals of democracy.

They recall the ideals of democracy
They recall the ideals of democracy

One thing I've noticed, is how in my country, the ruling Party never failed to adapt democratic ideals, at their convenience. That same pathern I found in Trump expressions and campaigns. He vigorously put his country first and create an enemy that attempt against the values he says to defend.


📰1990, FSLN-Daniel Ortega:

"They wanted the FSLN to be in opposition, and so we are; and we are going to defend this democracy."

📌He assured:

"We will be governing from bellow."

🎥Video-1990, Daniel Ortega:


📰2021, Donald Trump:

I will always fight for you. I will be watching, I will be listening (...)

📌He assured:

"We'll be back in some form."

🎥Video-2021, Donald Trump:


B) They create a group of followers and control them like a cult.

They control them like a cult
They control them like a cult

Sistematically, they incite their followers to believe that the nation can recover old glories, or that it can be (or is) greater than ever, if they overcome the "enemy."

✅3 things makes that possible:

1. An engrained yearn in an important part of the population.

2. An increasing fear experienced by the general public.

3. Disappointments related to previous governments.

🚨 Ineffective educative systems, plus a failed democratic tradition and values: preserve and enhance their control.


Daniel Ortega, fuel hatred against the US and allies, in his speech. He use historical facts and figures, to prove his reasoning.

Symbolism, nationalism, mysticism and rationalization, is often used in Sandinism, to attract adepts.

Donald Trump, although he doesn't appeal exactly to the same things; he manifest similar characteristics.

Trump use the distinctive nationalism that is endemic to the US..

In the US, there's are two sides of nationalism: one that is interwined with racial superiority ideologies, and the other that's entirely anti-comunist.

That makes nearly impossible the formation of a radical left, regime; but it does aloud the development of a fascist autocracy.

The symbolism and mysticism, used by Trump, it's rooted in America protestant movement and the most conservative sector of the US. In opposition to early Sandinism; Trump don't have political ties with the Catholic church.

Another thing that differentiate both: Daniel and Trump, is how they rationalize their speech.

📌While Daniel focus on demonizing the US and allies; with the catchy slogan: "El pueblo, presidente (the people, rules), Trump blames anything that has to do with "the left"; for example: accusing the rival party of been from the left, therefore: undemocratic.

The slogan "Make America Great Again", gives an impression of a restoration only him can materialize—within his own understanding, and by all means.

📌Things in common:

1. An enemy.

2. A promised future.

3. People who believe there's an ulterior destiny, they're taking part of.

4. A chosen one.

Is what I compare to messianism. In essence, it's a political messianism.

C) They use belligerent speech

They use belligerent speech
They use belligerent speech

I regularly think of how Donald Trump express his self , in comparison to Daniel Ortega. Both show the natural dominance of a leader, but they also exacerbate the emotions of their followers, with a maniac ecstatic energy I can only compare to Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler, expressions.


📰2021, Daniel Ortega:

"Those imprisioned, are the b*tches of the Yankee imperialism!"

📌 In reference to the activist and political leaders, he imprisioned.

🎥Video-2021, Daniel Ortega:


📰2016, Donald Trump:

"I can shoot somebody and not lose voters."

🎥Video-2016, Donald Trump:


💬Thanks for reading the MyTake

A, B, C. Similarities between Trump political machinery and the Sandinista regime.
8 Opinion