The Easiness of Manipulation

The Easiness of Manipulation

A person of little, to no (substantial) character, is easily swayed, by the most influential person speaking in a room. The smoothest talker. In. That. Room.

It's the equivalent of sinking your hand in a foot deep, of water, and sliding it back and forth. No resistance. Shallow. No substance.

Sliding your hand on a field of grass. It's thin. manipulative.

Pushing, with no/ or little effort on clay. Nearly liquified. Malleable.

It's not enough to neglect those who do not have their needs met. It's not enough to shun the people with no opinion, or chaotic and unsure beliefs.

All it takes is a single person with influence, and finesse, to move them.

Like that, of a herd of cattle.

My take is simply stating a clear function/ exchange. A social process.

I only add to it, a word of imploration, to those with eyes and ears, and a conscience supported on a spine. A conscience upheld by character. To tend to the brothers, sisters, and friends you have, who are easily swayed. Tend to them, for them to not fall or be led, by those who talk with wine on their tongues, and pure, deceitful hell, in their hearts. Just for now. Just for now..

The Easiness of Manipulation
The Easiness of Manipulation
The Easiness of Manipulation
The Easiness of Manipulation
The Easiness of Manipulation
8 Opinion