The general explanation on what it means be a "real" M or W.

The general explanation on what it means be a real M or W.

I wish it were that fair but it isn't. Nothing is 50/50 in the universe. And certainly not between men and women.

Just like the military, life (society) has in place for us a set of rules which we MUST abide by or else be ridiculed ⚠️, unless you don't care what people think, which is another topic altogether and one of the biggest (if not the biggest) lies people tell.

Toxic masculinity/femininity aside, there are many ways to “be a man” and there are many ways to “be a woman”. But there are levels to “masculinity” or “femininity” before it starts to get out of hand (the way you dress, express, hairstyles, hair length, etc.) And men it seems, moreso than women, appear to have far more of a stigma when it involves going against gender norms and societal expectations (trans-gender, femboy, pretty boy, cute, adorable, immature, loser, rapist, pedophile, creep, stalker, etc.), and what it means to be a “real man” vs what it means to be a “real woman” is not looked upon the same way. Double standards are another thing altogether, which contribute even further to sexism and gender discrimination. It's likely because much more is expected (although not exclusively) of men:








Protecting (emotionally and/or physically)

Gender norms are a mixture of nature and mostly nurture. And there's definitely a right way and a wrong way to do things in the world of interaction between (and among) men and women.

This is why I believe the LGBTQ community is in serious need of mental help. They tend to overanalyze and think too much into this instead of “going with the flow”. They get too comfortable and focus too much on “being themselves”. They think too much in terms of “human rights” or “equality”.

There is a RIGHT way to do things and then there is a WRONG way to do things. There is no ANY way.


You are human.

You are intelligent.

You will have a tendency to analyze your surroundings and question what is “right” or what is “wrong”, or what is fair or unfair, but there are no excuses for your misjudgment. There is a right and there is a wrong, and you DO NOT make those decisions.

God does.

The type of society one inhabits in the world (Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, etc.) is definitely a factor of course, but there are obviously a set of gender norms which are virtually universal all over the globe 🌎.

*NOTE: This might have little (if any) to do with what men/women find attractive, and more to do with societal norms which affect expectations and thought patterns.

The general explanation on what it means be a "real" M or W.
8 Opinion