The Myth Of Underpopulation

The Myth Of Underpopulation


Is that even a thing?

Countries are reporting for not producing enough of you know what.

They can just get immigrants but no... We rac_ist here. I mean, there's always at least one nation that tops in that category. They're running out of job opportunities, housing etc. You can just support those people, you know, as pro life it wouldn't to do something selfless for a change. Just saying. No pressure.

Now the "economy collapse".

That'd never happen.

Say, you have a city of 500 people. There's no way in hell they all refuse to procreate. It's either religion or accident or partner changing mind or whatever that's gonna fall in way. Some of them are gonna do your thing. Absolutely no need to worry. We're never EVER gonna run out of humans.

I've said this once and I'll quote me "there's 8 friggin billion of us".

No way everyone's gonna become a selfless antinatalist overnight.

Humans have different core values, and I'm sure some can even defy brainwas_hing power when it comes to creating a lovely biological family. Nothing wrong with that. The less people think that way, the better.

Because, if we continue this charade of multiplication — a time would come when can_nab_ilism will be the norm. We won't need dinosaurs, we'd have eachother.

Resources are fast running out. As are trees, thanks to our growing needs. We'd literally not have one godda_mn thing to survive if we don't stop this madness.

Now now, I know y'alls counter argument.

We can make it if we use our devices and stuff smartly.

And your said smartness doesn't include childfree people and abortion rights.

It includes free stuff for all. Which is great actually, except the free healthcare and discounted food do not work. Humans are vile. The top 5 percent have little shame in exploiting the System for The Needy too. If government gives most of the things for free, again, lo and behold! A collapse!

What about my culture? Said the vulture to the dove.

You, as a culture can survive. You can practice it religiously. You can become a teacher of some kind, or adopt kids, or the easiest route — throw Celebratory parties, free stuff is the way to go, in terms of gathering people. Just pass on your beliefs.

Your culture is gonna live and thrive. Just never put it above the green planet, okay?

Oh, then the gender ratio issue. Who'd marry my extremely amazing son? As a man, will I be forever alone?

The answer to the latter is yes. Women aren't baby making machines or anything. They're just human. And oh! You can have relationships other than romantic or sexual... You can just bond with people, weird right? You can have friends, make them your family, be happy with them and grow old together... Doesn't sound horrendous does it now?

You don't need to copulate or marry anybody. Romantic love is just media brainwa_shing ya. Sorry.

Then there's the old people debate. What if there's too many of them?

Based on the assumption that all young people wanna work and have high performances. I mean, forget experience lmao. We want them young and spiky. So what if ageism exists and older people have problems in finding jobs?

That's fine. We're basing this off on 90s superhero comics. Youngsters will save the world. The world is Scooby Doo, most probably.

If we bash our heads, I'm sure we can come up with something to fit all these puppies in one beaten cardboard box!

Mental peace is so overrated. Just stuff twelve persons in one room. I'm sure they'll interact. Positively or otherwise. We'll just get more trees cut, and get half of the animal kingdom extinct.

We're gonna be fine.

By anon1903

PS. Let's strike a deal. If you're pro life of any form, mention something that was truly benevolent and didn't benefit you in any way. My next take will have you in it, as a person who showed me righteousness.

The Myth Of Underpopulation
Post Opinion