Some questions for climate cultists.

Some questions for climate cultists.

The Global Warming narrative has found its way into all elements of society. The propaganda is everywhere. If whatever malaise they are talking about, is not due to racism (or some other "ism"), it is due to man-caused Global Warming. Maybe both. It is no wonder that so many young people have either given up on life or live in fear. Youth suicides and drug overdose deaths are epidemic now. It is fair to say that Leftist Propaganda about arming and and Disinformation about the danger of drugs are the largest causes of death for people under 40. The insidious claim is that The Left wants people to die. So, before you pull the plug, you should ask yourself a few questions

*Warmists are claiming this is the warmest year in recorded history; warmer than it has been in over 120,000 years. What Weather Station records do they refer to?

*Why wasn't LA, a city with millions of people, millions of cars, and lots of buildings and concrete warm a month ago if all the things we are told cause warming actually do? News stories did not report about how cool coastal California cities were, although LA had a streak of Temperatures Below 80 Degrees for more than 60 Days. From May 1 to June 29, a 60-day stretch, the high temperature in downtown Los Angeles did not reach 80. It is the longest recorded streak of days with high temperatures below 80 during May and June in downtown Los Angeles since 1878. The previous longest recent streak was 59 days from May 2 to June 29 in 1916 Why is that?

*Las Vegas didn't hit 100 until June 30th, the latest on record. The earliest prior 100 F day there was May 5, 2017. Why is that?

*Antarctica had the coldest winter on record two years ago after 160 years, despite the huge rise rise of crude oil, gas and coal use. And Antarctica’s last 6 months were the coldest on record. Why is that?

*In 2020. India, with well over a billion people and uses lots of coal, set cold records. Plunging temperatures have caused a run on shelters in a region more used to extreme heat. The brutal cold wave swept northern India, blanketing streets in freezing fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and prompting school closures. Why is that?

*In 2015, Great Britain had 40,000 excess deaths from the cold. Why is that?

*Why does the UN care so much about a little alleged warming when so many more die from the cold?

*Why does John Kerry about his use of a private jet, with it's Huge carbon footprint to fly to Climate Change meetings and yet doesn't care about China's human rights abuses? Is The Climate Crisis the worst challenge in our time? Or are slavery and human trafficking?

*Didn't the Little Ice age end in 1860? Is it normal for the Earth to warm after a little ice age ends? How did the Earth cool from 1940-1975 if all the things they say cause warming actually do?

*The use of coal, oil, Natural gas, skyrocketing in the past 140 years, why didn't the temperatures fluctuate? Doesn't that show that there is no direct correlation between "fossil fuel" consumption of natural resources and temperature? If they can't show a correlation, they can't conclude a causation. It's called Science,

*Don't a lot more people die from cold weather vs. warm weather every year? Wouldn't Warming help that?

*The oceans average over 12,000 feet deep and have only risen an estimated 9 inches in the past 140 years. Aren't there a lot of natural variables that would affect a minor change in ocean levels? How can "experts" establish that humans and our natural resources are the cause of this miniscule rise?

*Why didn't those previous dire predictions of the UN and others of the last several decades come true? Why should we believe the current dire predictions?

*Why didn't the dire predictions of the 1970's come true that billions would die from the coming ice age?

*Why didn't predictions about Arctic ice come true? Why should we believe those predictions now?

*John Kerry claimed the Arctic would be ice-free by summer 2013. So is it now, 10 years later? Why not?

*Does buying a piece of paper representing a carbon credit actually do anything to reduce the emissions from a private jet or from mansions?

*If the ocean is rising dangerously fast, why do Obama and Biden own homes at near zero elevation?

*What is the perfect temperature on the globe? How would that be determined since temperatures have fluctuated between warm and cool periods throughout our history? At one time, the Earth was an Snow Ball. Another, the poles were temperate and even tropical.

*Shouldn't government policies be based on actual scientific data instead of computer models (guesses) that are easily manipulated, before companies producing countless products that have greatly improved our quality and length of life are destroyed? Like gas stoves and weed whackers, for small examples.

*Do people you really believe that we can control temperatures, sea levels and storm activity considering how many natural variables there are?

*Do Climate Cultists care about the poor? Why not modernize under-developed countries instead of seeking to destroy their industries and agriculture?

*Is the real purpose of the Warmest cult to reduce the human population? Then in the end, isn't the Climate Cult racist?

Safety tip. Don't jump off that overpass just yet.

Some questions for climate cultists.
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