More Biden HARM

The biden-dnc administration, with its increased debt burden and increasing, is continuing its "dnc legacy", same as "flawless protected minority" obama dnc, of outrageous spending to the point of , yet AGAIN, ruining u.s credit rating and credit worthiness. picture

More Biden HARM

We are all familiar with family Credit scores, rating if worthy of loan and debt. obama dnc, managed to spend enough trillions... to swell the debt from around 13t to around 19t gasp adding almost 50% like 150% gasp. i was so horrified i screenshotted but too long ago to search for the pic.
back then, in 2011 s&p, aptly named p for poor, downgraded u.s credit during obama term due to the worse than awful financial policies by obama, spending and reckless debt increase.
luckily trump independent and eventually rnc too, understood business and finances so the growth of the debt slowed, despite the expense of "build the wall". trump success even affected the income part of the ratio, due to the unpopular tarrifs that were similar to e u. tarrifs.

now biden is ignoring the rnc warnings about overspending for Ukraine, and other wrong priorities and harmful policies not only the loss of money that could go to education and critical military spending to stay pace with china, but to the point of a second of major raters, this time Fitch, downgraded credit score means downgraded u.s. credit rating of worthiness

More Biden HARM

as i will select some quotes.
a, government wealth in u.s. has been negative for decades. that means less than even 1$ and even less than zero $0 no dollars, due to VAST debts and liabilities.

More Biden HARM

b fitch compared to other countries, noting the biden-d administration "high and growing general government debt burden,".

More Biden HARM

c, despite u.s. amazing industrial might, "people power" and u.s. huge gdp from which, taxes to government, unimaginably much, still the ability to "sustain spending" and take on debt is trembling shuddering which shows the degree of the biden recklessness. i mean consider not only is u.s. wealth nearly double even china's industry might, not just top of the world, but over 10 times !! each france, italy and nearly 10×u.k. and taxing THAT income still biden-d managed to chop at the supports of even THAT. his advisors can't be THAT stupid it MUST be for ____ fill in the blank with your speculation i only draw the picture of ugly fact.

More Biden HARM
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