Divide & Rule by the " Global Elites ". Do you believe we are being played like chess pawns by the controlled media?

Divide & Rule by the

Firstly , seasons greetings to all !! Having seen the amount of inter gender & other hostility towards each other & also extremist hate groups such as radical feminism & Islamic fanatic groups such as ISIS are actually funded by the " Global Elite " ( Look up Agenda 21 ) , would you agree / diagree that we are all being " played " ??

Divide & Rule serves the purpose of stopping resistance to their plans , the reason I reject mainstream media is that it promotes fear & loathing of each other & have warned my children to think for themselves & see it for themselves. Ladies , I think as you are mainly emotional thinkers as opposed to logic / fact like us guys , would you not agree that women are more prone to media programming , apologies to the girls if I have seemed a little harsh with some recent posts , have recently witnessed some shockingly vicous & aggressive behaviour towards 2 guys that were minding their own business , could media hate & male bashing be an underlying factor ?!! Peace to everyone & have a great Christmas & New Year !!!

Divide & Rule by the " Global Elites ". Do you believe we are being played like chess pawns by the controlled media?
Post Opinion