To the religious and lack thereof: Watch your Words [quotes by you]- Paving the way for World Peace.

Hi =] Before I get into this, I just thought I'd highlight something we all overlook. Isn't it amazing how despite all our differences, we can all say we agree on peace? So... where is it? And why do you believe it's so difficult to attain?

To the religious and lack thereof: Watch your Words [quotes by you]- Paving the way for World Peace.
I took time to compile this because I wanted to show two main perspectives using a small sample of 'GaG research'. Nothing has been taken out of context or changed. I'm here to provide you with a tiny insight into the attitudes between these different 'groups'. Here are a few responses of GaG users [unmentioned for privacy] to illustrate my point a little better.


"christianity is one of the most savage religions in my opinion, and you just hide behind the "love and peace" mask."

"People don't want to deal with life. They want to believe in invisible people in the sky."

on Islam: "I find it despicable and sickening, a cancer against humanity that has committed genocide of an unprecedented level"

on Buddhism: "A simpication of Hinduism like Islam is a simplification of Christianity. People love simple, Atheism is a simplification of all of them"

on Judaism: "just going by Old Testament, the bible and the quran they're all stupid"

on religion as a whole: "religion is basically just unconditional belief in a belief system merely to create your own moral system and idea of the world's metaphysics."

~Note: there are good and bad in all groups, I'm aware that not everyone is like this. :)

So as you can see, when they're put altogether, you don't realise the kind of effect that has on others. Have any of you been verbally abused before? yeah. it feels something like that.

Athiests, before you talk about any religion, please ensure that you're educated, because a lot of you truly aren't, making rash judgments concerning billions of people. Or, if you do wish to express your disagreement, use better words. I believe it is hypocrisy to call a religious person close-minded with a hostile attitude.

i will say this: what I believe entitles you to get a little heated, is only when people begin to shove their religions down your throats, because that is very irritating, so i understand that. However, when that attitude isn't there, you have NO place to be rude, because while believers cannot prove that there is a God, not a single one of you cannot prove that there isn't one.


"Religion is an answer that people believe provides something like a safety net...How can one simply give up? Its weak. Makes you a coward. But there is a reason people are not perfect. There are reasons we are here."

"I'm not interested in arguing either for or against atheism; I just want to know people's opinions on why it's so widespread these days. I respect your opinion, but say more than just "because it's the truth".

"I'd like to see more new atheists attempt to rationalise their beliefs like the atheists of the past. New atheists don't even bother"

"I totally agree with you regarding their ignorance. I just sit and listen most of the time. They always refer to science but science doesn't definitively prove the non-existence of a higher being. Again, ignorance of what is truly going on."

note: again, i don't believe all religious people can discuss religion in a civil tone.

As shown, some religious answerers do fight back, including myself, yet I will never in all my life attack an athiest for being athiest. Never. So why do many believe that entitles them to disrespect me?

To the religious and lack thereof: Watch your Words [quotes by you]- Paving the way for World Peace.


I was glad to stumble across these two rare opinions which I believe beautifully sum up the attitude we should ALL take towards each other regarding religion.


"I make it a point to learn as much as I can about world religions so I can understand and respect their followers"


"Maybe, just maybe, people should stop giving a shit about what other people believe and live their own life.

But that won't happen. People are greedy."

Can you all imagine with me for a second, how much more peace there would be in this world if we all had an attitude consisting of a combination of these statements?

Yeah, I'm one person, and yes, I might not convince all of you, but altogether we can affect the next generation. Let's just fix up the bullshit of the past and actually be more accepting of one another.

To the religious and lack thereof: Watch your Words [quotes by you]- Paving the way for World Peace.


To the religious and lack thereof: Watch your Words [quotes by you]- Paving the way for World Peace.
Post Opinion