What is your romance style?

This is a theory from Socionics.

If you've heard what Jung's work is on personality and theory of Myers Briggs, this would be the Russian version related to it, called Socionics.

This is the link that extensively explains the 4 Romance styles: www.the16types.info/.../101-Erotic-Attitudes

At the top of the page it actually starts by pointing out some subcategories of the 4 (like Psuedo-Aggressors/Employees, Aggressors/Employers, Conquerors, Challengers/Trophies, etc.)

Which one of the 4 are you most like? (when in romantic relationships, or during flirting)
Agressor (pursues, dominant, tough, blunt)
Caregiver (soft, likes equality, parental, helpful)
Childlike (goofy, strange, fun, easy going)
Victim (careful, shy, humble, submissive)
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
The poll is very narrow due to character limit. If you read up on it you realise it's impossible to be all of them. Childlike and Caregiver are in direct opposition. So are Victim and Aggressor.
The only way you could be all 4 is if you had a Multiple Personality Disorder. xD

That's why I was asking which one reminds you most of yourself. ^^
What is your romance style?
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