Based on the dictionary definition of " Sexusm". Do you honestly think you are sexust or no?

I ask bc I'm surprised at how often blatantly sexist views get rationalized on here by invoking the word " nature" or gender roles or how it is. Assuming you know how a person thinks or acts or behaves bc you have a predetermined view of how their sex is supposed to be or expected to be is not " not sexist" just bc you have a personal anecdote to go along with your statement.

You may meet two people and have a definite view of their differences but that does not extend to billions of people you gave never met, no matter how intelligent it may make you feel to think so or speak as such. And whatever you think Fred flinstone said to Wilma five million years ago that proved your view a
Of the sexes doesn't count... It's just a story.

So lets see , according to Merriem : Sexusm.

1 : prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women
2 : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
Yes unfortunately I'm sexist.
Yes I'm sexist but I don't see a problem with that. Sexism it's just a word bitter people use to try to make what is right sound wrong.
Nope not sexist based on the Definition --not a drop.
Yeah but only sometimes and only when I'm actually " right" anyways.
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+1 y
I find it odd is that sexism is considered real but no more real than gender norms " natural sex based differences" or female / male brain. It's like everyone is consistently being given entirely opposite ways of dealing with reality while simultaneously to, d one or the other is right or wrong or right and wrong depending on context... it's quite a paradox and it makes perfect sense people not answering C, would feel compelled to answer as they have.

Things are pretty incoherent.
Based on the dictionary definition of " Sexusm". Do you honestly think you are sexust or no?
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