What are the Masculine and Feminine attributes in your opinion?

Putting aside all these "there are no masculine or feminine attributes, it's just a gender construct" arguments, many of us still hold a certain idea of masculinity and femininity whether we consider it a gender construct or not and I'm curious to see what's your opinion on the topic.
We might have different ideas and expectations when it comes to what we consider feminine or masculine, so I wanted to ask: What are the Masculine and Feminine attributes in your opinion? What makes a man masculine and woman Feminine?
- 1) Physically wise:
- 2) Personality wise:
What are the Masculine and Feminine attributes in your opinion?
What are the Masculine and Feminine attributes in your opinion?

You can answer only for the opposite gender or both, or yours. Thank you ^_^
+1 y
PS: I don't necessarily agree with this chart. It's just a way to look at things so I shared it :)
What are the Masculine and Feminine attributes in your opinion?
Post Opinion