Why is it socially acceptable to openly hate straight white men in today's society/media?

I understand that white men have had a lot of power in the past, and continue to today, but I have never understood why it is so acceptable for literally and other race and gender to openly criticize “cis white males” and no one seems to care. I can’t do that.

If as a white man I ever openly questioned the behavior of another race or gender I would be immediately labeled as a racist, misogynist, etc. Where as people can post things on twitter like “stuff white people have ruined” or basically saying that all white men in this world are the problem. To me this is so blatantly hateful and racist, but the excuse is white men have had all the power so it’s ok….

No, it’s not ok… You can’t talk about how racism is bad, unless they are white, then it’s ok. It doesn’t work that way. I have been treated badly by other races as well, just because of the color of my skin. How would you ever expect white men, aka the ones with all the power, to give a shit about you if they are trying to change, and the whole time they are trying to help you are telling them how evil they are, how they will never understand so don’t even try, that I am everything that is wrong in this world. Why would I give a shit about you if that is how you feel about me? It is truly ridiculous.

I realize this is not everyone, but It is truly shocking the amount of white hate I see in the media and world today, and how accepted it is. If you only replaced the word white with black, or women, there would be a huge uproar.
Why is it socially acceptable to openly hate straight white men in today's society/media?
Post Opinion