Black Man Makes Friends With KKK, People Consider Him A Race Traitor?

Daryl Davis is a Black-American R&B and blues musician, author, actor, Lecturer and activist. One of his works is that he goes out and befriends the KKK. He tried to offer them a hand of friendship. He tries to show them a peaceful way, and also tries to show them that being friends with a black man is possible. He has helped many Klan Members quit because they eventually came to know Daryl and care about him. Over 200 Klan members has been affected by this man.

He recently released a Documentary called "Accidental Courtesy" which is pretty much about his journey into befriending the KKK. It's out on Netflix, I would recommend it. But many people on the Left, Especially minorities like Latinos and Blacks or Black Lives Matter think he's an Uncle Tom, Coon or Race Traitor for doing so.

Black Man Makes Friends With KKK, People Consider Him A Race Traitor?

If you watch the Documentary there's even a scene where Daryl Davis is having a discussion with BLM activist and they basically tell him to fuck himself, to never come back to the hood, he's a traitor and a white man worshiper, and that he's basically too weak on white people.

When you look at Daryl Davis work, his philosophy is based on his question "How can you hate me, when you don't even know me?" Which is part of his motivation to befriend his enemies, but also he adopts a lot from Martin Luther King Jr., he comes from a place of Friendship, Compassion, Love, Forgiveness. He believes in freedom of speech and defends the Klan's right to their speech even though he disagrees.

This is odd because people on the left, minorities, BLM claim to respect Martin Luther King Jr. and yet they hates a black man that based his whole philosophy on Martin Luther King Jr. What are your thoughts on this?

Black Man Makes Friends With KKK, People Consider Him A Race Traitor?
8 Opinion