Is "Black culture" destructive?

For me I think black culture is horrible. Yes I know I'm black. The way we are portrayed in the media is disgusting. Black culture promotes drugs, women and crimes in music and in tv shows. If you listen to a rap song it is all about the same destructive content. Gangs and violence aren't things to be proud of or "flexing" about. Almost every black show I watch makes black people look stupid, like criminals or they do drugs. The Black image in the media is completely destructive to us as a group. Because of the media we put out to the world, internationally people actually think most black people act this way and see us as a joke or less than. We as black people need to change our image. Black children consume this trash and think it's okay to mimic the behavior. We can't expect people to respect us when we advertise our bodies and worship materialistic things, instead of finding value in education and intelligence. Black people can't keep complaining about discrimination, when we continue to bring it upon ourselves. So do you think black culture is destructive?
Black culture is destructive to the race
No, it's great
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Is "Black culture" destructive?
27 Opinion