How would you define a Napoleon Complex/Little Man Syndrome?

I'm a short guy, only 5'4", and I was curious about this term, "Napoleon Complex"? How do you define it?

I didn't think I fit the trope. My whole life people have seen me as a pretty agreeable, reserved person. I've had a lot of friends, always get along with almost all other men and most women. I have never dated, but that's just because no one is attracted to me, nothing to be done about it. I'm as okay with it as I'm going to be, and I've made the best of my life. However, I've heard the term a lot, and even have had it directed at me at least four times that I can think of, twice by different strangers to my face, twice by a work gossip-circle behind my back. All four instances stuck with me. I'm not the type of person who can't admit a mistake, but the things these people were mad about were not mistakes on my part.

It seems to me to be a pretty vague term used to kind of discredit anything a short man says or does, but I was wondering if there was an actual theory behind it?
How would you define a Napoleon Complex/Little Man Syndrome?
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