How was 2020 for you?

2020 for me had a lot of potential because I was turning 21, getting my LTC, voting for the first time, I was at my goal weight of 182 pounds, 2019 really sucked, and I was looking forward to and hoping to stay out of the hospital for 2020 (I spent 6 months of 2019 in the hospital due to testicular torsion and many cases of hemoptysis). I definitely got some good things out of the year, aside from a stay in January for hemoptysis, I was able to stay out of the hospital for the whole year and stay healthy aside from my weight gain being overcorrected as my weight loss in 2019 weakened my immune system significantly so I had to regain weight but I overcorrected and now I have to lose some again. I met my current girlfriend and before her, I met my ex girlfriend and while we didn't end well, I'm glad I got to meet her and I'm very thankful that I met my current girlfriend as she's been amazing with me. I got my LTC, voted for the first time, started carrying, my PFT's were outstanding, I got Trikafta and I haven't coughed once since starting it roughly a year ago. However once the pandemic hit, it was all downhill from there, from supply shortages, businesses closing for good, political tensions hitting an all time high, race riots, local governments standing by and letting their cities get burnt to the ground and people hurt and even killed, the ATF trying to sneak in and make up their own rules behind our backs, the law being applied only in one direction, the election fiasco, China tensions rising, my depression coming back, it's a huge mess. However, I'm so thankful to have my girlfriend by my side and we've helped eachother get through such a rough year together and I'm hopeful that we can beat the pandemic in 2021. How was 2020 for you?
How was 2020 for you?
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How was 2020 for you?
17 Opinion