How long will black people will get away with attacks?, Do the black community need to start being blamed for their actions?

After the whole George floyd thing the whole world seemed to have started to sympathize with black people, I mean was that really the biggest reason they should be doing it for? they were made slaves and nobody still took that seriously. Thousands of people have been killed by police in US no matter the race it happens. .

2 teenage black girls have recently assaulted, tazed , brutalized and murdered as these girls were trying to CARJACK a 66 year old uber driver's (Mr. Anwar) car. These women then jumped inside the car that was flipped over, opened the doors and grabbed their phones and ran away. Mind you these creatures saw the dead body and ignored it and her response to all this was (OMG YOU"RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS) “don’t get ur car stolen then”.
Why was this story not as big as George floyd's one? This was certainly way waaaaay worse than how he (George floyd) died. Could it be because of Islamophobia? or is because violent attacks from black people aren't covered/cared for as much.

As of now in US, if it's a white person doing even something as little as calling the cops on black people (which I am aware is really sexist) would be all over the news and internet and will be protested against to be stopped, while something like this done by black people, doesn't even get wildly covered. And don't even get me started on the George floyd/BLM "protests"

Now in that uber driver's case it is actually way worse situation than normal one, why? because it includes 2 girls. I have actually a read a lot of racist and sexist black women posts on here too, they usually instead of admitting something will blame it on black men or white people. why do people think black women are ugly? black men and white people.

In conclusion, don't give a specific group of people all the power because they WILL abuse it.
Yes ther should be consequences
No, don't be a racist dude
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I now some it won't make sense as much but I had t cut out around 2100 words from random spots.
How long will black people will get away with attacks?, Do the black community need to start being blamed for their actions?
Post Opinion