Why are whites so afraid of blacks due to violence when since the beginning of time that's all white people did?

This is not to be offensive..

But they stole and raped. Is this hypocrisy. Why is everything blamed on the black man. I don't know what race thats been falsely accused more.. but black men are blamed for rape or whistling at a white women when that didn't happen

Whites put drugs in our communities to see us fail. Whites put us in ghettos. It's still happening to this day.

Black people are denied loans by whites.
I walk next to a white lady and she's running to her car to lock the door behind her.

I smile at a white lady and she's shocked at how nice I am and beautiful I lookšŸ˜’šŸ™„

Please enlighten me here
Why are whites so afraid of blacks due to violence when since the beginning of time that's all white people did?
19 Opinion