Am I the only male who seems to think women not wearing underwear in public is pretty disgusting?

Am I the only male who seems to think women not wearing underwear in public is pretty disgusting?
Is it just me who thinks women walking around with no panties is gross as f*ck? ESPECIALLY the ones who don't shave down there and don't have a bare crotch? I mean, that sh*t is nasty! They're sitting down on public benches and sofas and leaving behind a snail trail and sh*t. Why do some women think this is acceptable?

I don't even like women who are bigger than a B cup going braless. You can see their nipples poking through like glass and their boob sweat stains. What's next, are people also going to stop using toilet paper too, because it's "too expensive?"
Am I the only male who seems to think women not wearing underwear in public is pretty disgusting?
And before some stupid-ass feminist chimes in, I'll say I especially hate guys who walk around shirtless in public. That's the male equivalent and is equally disgusting. F*king naked douchebags. Getting their sweat, body hair, and BO all over everything and thinking because they go to the gym that public nudity is acceptable for some reason. Whenever I see a guy doing that, I want to punch them in the face. It's the biggest sign of a douchebag I can think of. If you're a guy going out in public without a shirt and you're not near a body of water, you ARE an asshole. Probably the same type of dickhead who doesn't wash their hands after pissing, yet expects everyone to shake their hand upon meeting them anyway.

But that's my rant, though. Women who don't wear underwear in public (and men who don't wear shirts in public) are disgusting, self-absorbed assholes. Your thoughts?

Inspired by this question here.
I agree; it's disgusting
I disagree, because I like it
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Am I the only male who seems to think women not wearing underwear in public is pretty disgusting?
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