Why do the woke crowd try to say binary gender and sexuality don't exist, but gatekeep so hard when it comes to race and ethnic culture?

Rachel Dolezal; "Black on the inside."
Rachel Dolezal; "Black on the inside."
Woke Chick: "Gender doesn't exist. It's a social construct. You can be whatever gender you want!"
Normal Guy: "Okay."
Woke Chick: "Sexuality is fluid and you can be attracted to whoever or whatever you want! Heteronormative sexuality is a thing of the past! Everyone is on the spectrum of queerness!'
Normal Guy: "Okay?"
Woke Chick: "Race..."
Normal Guy: "... Doesn't exist and is just melanin and minor different facial traits and you can be whatever you want?"
Woke Chick: "NOOOOO!!! How DARE you said that, Trump-supporting incel! How DARE you reject race! I should've known you were a White Nationalist bigot! There are ONLY People of Color and disgusting CIS whites! And they're disgusting!"
Normal Guy: "I don't get your rules! It's like it's all random and made-up!"

'Why they so dumb?' 😂

I mean, I KNOW why, but this is for discussion purposes.

You're either male or female, straight or queer, Hispanic or non-Hispanic, normal ("Cis") or trans, and so forth. But people don't like that, for some reason.

Honestly, race IS stupid! I mean, culture is one thing, but that isn't dependent on ethnicity as much as nationality. But race is just melanin and eye shapes. Only idiots, on BOTH sides, care about race! It's SO g*ddamn stupid! Idiotic! Silly! Why do people even still care about race in 2022? And why CAN'T the Rachel Dolezals of society be "transracial," if they want to be? I'm black myself; I don't see anything special about it. I didn't even get the big dong we were promised! If I could transition to another race, I'd probably be a Martian! They're the only race living on Earth that aren't idiots, it seems!
Now THESE are "my people!"
Now THESE are "my people!"
Question inspired by @Curmudgeon 's post.
Why do the woke crowd try to say binary gender and sexuality don't exist, but gatekeep so hard when it comes to race and ethnic culture?
11 Opinion