U can C what the future cashless digital social currency will b like when u look at Russia & their sanctions, R you 4 private individuals being sanct?

The US will soon start a digital cashless monetary/social point system They will be able to see everything you buy or sale. They can freeze your money anytime they want if you do anything they don;t like. This could be something you said in public or posted online. If could be if you smoke or are overweight. You will not be charged of a crime but still punished. It is terrible and unconstitutional , but everyone will agree to it for convenience. It will be easy to buy and get paid. They will promise there will never be another terrorist attack or school shooting. Taxes will be figured for you.

The negatives , you will not have any privacy and you will have to give up your bitcoin and not be able to buy some things. They can punish you and just freeze you out. They could keep you from paying your rent or house payments , or keep you from buying food. You will also lose your free speech. They will target White males, Christians, gun owners , Conservatives , hunters , those that don't get shots. If you give money to certain groups or organizations.

Drug Lords will use Gold or silver to run their businesses and require gold or silver for payments. So I see gold and other metals being made illegal for individuals to own. The government wants total control of monetary system so they can control the population. There is also the possibility that all your money will be stolen via hacking. Also power outage and you can't buy or sell anything. Future warfare and crime will be cyber. Also imagine all the jobs eliminated.

Now back to the Russian business leaders being sanctioned because they are Russian and because they tolerate Putin (not real friends with). I am for punishing Russian leadership politically , but not businessmen that are not political leaders or hold an office. It also shows that the US Government is partnered with Corporations if they think the same about Russia.
U can C what the future cashless digital social currency will b like when u look at Russia & their sanctions, R you 4 private individuals being sanct?
Yes , I think individuals that have not been charged with a crime can have assets froxen
No, if they do it to them , they can do it to me
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This system will be perfect for the anti Christ to use as a weapon against those who oppose him. He will make a one world system and assign each a number , This will be the number the bible talks about (mark of the beast) . If you don't agree with it , you will be punished and shut out of the system.
U can C what the future cashless digital social currency will b like when u look at Russia & their sanctions, R you 4 private individuals being sanct?
4 Opinion