Why do the vaxxed keep bringing up conspiracy theorists?

Why do they deflect and they love bringing up CDC data which is strange.. I don’t follow the CDC and any information pertaining to the gov. All my information comes from research and information that I researched before the jabs came out..

Beyond that I have my beliefs on a few things and it has nothing to do with conspiracy theorists.. I don’t follow science and I notice these vaxxers get real defensive about the jabs - they start the arguments when you tell them where your stance is with the jabs..

Truth be told I don’t associate with anyone vaccinated.. not on a friendship level or conversation level because I know it’s going to be clashing of beliefs … I don’t want to hear about the vaccine , but why can’t vaxxers respect people choices or beliefs I don't know..

There are 3 things I don’t talk about in general and it’s politics , religion, and the jabs..

I rather be friends with like minded people and date someone like minded like myself
1 y
Earlier today, my therapist is was real defense about the jabs.. I simply told her I home school my kids due to restrictions at schools with these jabs and kids attending school.. vaxxed people are not nice people in general
Why do the vaxxed keep bringing up conspiracy theorists?
6 Opinion