If the devil was running for a particular office -and Trump endorsed them - would you vote for the devil because he endorsed the devil?

For Many Pennsylvania Voters, Trumpism Is Bigger Than Trump

Michael Testa, 51, an Army veteran and handyman, drives a minivan plastered with stickers reading, “Trump Won.”

He recently stood in the rain and mud for hours to attend Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally. He calls himself a “conspiracy realist” and said he’s one of millions who believe the 2020 election was stolen from the former president.

But as he sat on his front porch in Laughlintown, a small borough of Westmoreland County outside Pittsburgh that was once home to the Mellon family fortune, he was undecided about which candidate to vote for Tuesday in Pennsylvania’s Republican primary for Senate. He has misgivings about supporting Mehmet Oz, the celebrity doctor Trump has endorsed.

“I’m not going to be somebody who does something just because one person says so, even if that person is Trump,” Testa said.

Like other Republican primaries throughout the country, the Pennsylvania Senate race is testing just how strong Trump’s grip remains on the party. But unlike other primaries this year, the Senate contest in Pennsylvania has suddenly pivoted into something else — a case study of whether the movement Trump created remains within his control.

In interviews with more than two dozen Republican voters in western Pennsylvania, many echoed Testa’s ambivalence and uncertainty about Oz — despite Trump’s backing, they view him with suspicion, call him “too Hollywood” and question his ties to the state. Those Republicans, including Testa, said they were instead voting for or considering voting for Kathy Barnette, a far-right author and conservative media commentator who has surged in the polls on a shoestring budget.
If the devil was running for a particular office -and Trump endorsed them - would you vote for the devil because he endorsed the devil?
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