Men to reproduce/clone themselves without a woman?

A lot of men tend to say women destroy nations but that's simply not true, is not that women destroy nations its men become weak and let them destroy nations.

I'm not weak when it comes to women have their way I just won't bother dealing with them.
I would use something like clone or surrogacy to make sure I can literally reproduce myself.

Look up cloning with pets and the animals are just as healthy and live as long as the original donors. If you clone yourself then a woman cannot claim child support unless of course she's cloning your mother wouldn't that be something? You're 40 years old and a 20 years old version of your mother comes knocking at your door trying to take away your son.

Your clone that she didn't even give birth to but since it's your own dna that you've copied how can anyone else claim ownership on your very own bubba fett mini me.

You won't have that lizard you call your wife that your road wants through Moss Espa claiming ownership of him.
1 y
lots of weak men commenting
Men to reproduce/clone themselves without a woman?
7 Opinion