What do you think about the justice system in America?

Black criminals are going to jail for a long time for the same crimes White criminals commit. White criminals go to jail for a short time, serve no jail time, and get a probation. Black criminals get hospitalized, and get their penises cut off for sexually abusing, and raping a female. White criminals goes to jail for a short time for raping a minor.
White women are committing fraud, and defraud by falsely accusing, and lying on Black men for raping them. White women rarely falsely accuse, and lie on White men for raping them.
Black criminals usually don’t get beat up, or go to jail for committing theft, robbing, and mugging people. White criminals commit theft, rob, and mug victims’ ideas, inventions, and money.
Black criminals usually don’t go to jail for assaulting, committing battery, and abusing Black victims. Black criminals usually get killed, or go to jail for assaulting a White victim.
White criminals are verbally assaulting, verbally abusing, verbally harassing, and harassing victims because of racism.
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White criminals barely go to jail for a year. Black criminals rarely go to jail for a short time. Black criminals are view as common thieves, robbers, and muggers on the news.
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Black people assault each other, and don’t be brought to justice. Guys hit women, and get beat up, killed, or go to jail. Dark-skinned Black people assault people, and don’t get beat up, or killed. Guys who kill females go to jail for a long time, or get killed. Guys who kill each other just go to jail.
What do you think about the justice system in America?
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