How did Donald Trump destroy your life?

How did Donald Trump destroy your life?
I was just talking to an idiot woman who was crying about Trump. I asked her some questions, but she couldn't answer them. How long does the derangement syndrome last?
Why is Trump living rent-free in their heads?
A few years back, I was on a news site. I met two guys who told me they were "paid posters". They were paid to slam Republicans. I asked who paid them, but they had no idea. The money just showed up in their account. I asked them if they believe any of the crap they were posting, and they just said it was easy money. Just putting food on the table.
BLM is not real, nor is Antifa, nor is the fake Jan 6 thing.
Ask them why they hate Trump. They won't have a clue. Ask them why they like Biden. They won't have a clue.
He likes pretty women
He wanted to make America great again
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Dusty the libtard posted two anti-Trump memes and blocked me. That is all she has? She's in her mid 40's. Is it the lead paint? The water? How is this a difficult question? Oh, and Dusty the door knob said I wasn't allowed to bring up Biden. Why do you suppose that is? Dusty the door knob said that Trump should have been removed on his first day in office. Brilliant. Do you know how much damage Brandon did in his first day in office?
How did Donald Trump destroy your life?
33 Opinion