Why are Trump Supporters so mentally ill?

I don’t honestly mean the ones who dislike him, but can acknowledge the positive things he’s done. I’m speaking about these conservatives that see Trump as all good and Liberals as all bad. This doesn’t refer to conservatives as a whole. I’ve meant and discussed some things with some very intelligent and respectful conservatives. We may disagree on some points, and we agree on some. There’s just this group of these retarded ass conservatives who think Trump does no wrong, and the world’s problems are all from liberals. They say they aren’t biased against any sort of group, then actively try to put down and belittle a said group that supports their equality. Almost as if they’re saying “Yeah, you’re cool with me, as long as you stay in an inferior position in society to me.” They believe this false narrative that the election was stolen, trying to pretend like it was a peaceful protest when the insurrectionists chanted to hang Pence, crushed a cop between doors, somebody brought a gun to kill Peloski, cops had to retreat to a more defendable position (These trumpsters claim cops waved them in, as if that were legal). I honestly can’t understand someone being the level of stupid to believe this. You got to be clinically delusional or something.
Why are Trump Supporters so mentally ill?
20 Opinion