Why do Republicans pretend to be pro-black and then say stuff like "it's just a word, get over it"?

I'm a Republican myself (libertarian conservative, not the Trump kind), I get quite annoyed by seeing comments on Facebook regarding Juri Nips using the N-word on Call of Duty saying it's just a word, whining about political correctness, et cetera.

He's more than half a year younger than me, he's from a country where the N-word probably isn't common over there, and with that being said, it's mostly Americans bitching with their hypocrisy KNOWING that the word was originally used to disparge African-American slaves and was constantly used to hang them on trees and nooses.

Moreover, why do people always have to write apology notes and upload to their Instagrams when they are caught using discriminatory, derogatory, or prejudiced remarks? Particularly rich people?

I as a poor person have gotten into trouble for doing and saying f**ked up things (including using the N-word) but I was told to be on social detox and not have a social media presence for a few months.
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To clarify, Republicans pretend that only the select few hyper-Christian black conservatives speak for the entire community, however when a white progressive extremist-liberal SJW breaks that ticking timebomb all hell breaks loose for these MAGAflakes.
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Pardon my mistake, I meant to write Juri Vips
Why do Republicans pretend to be pro-black and then say stuff like "it's just a word, get over it"?
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