So what do you think about term limits on Supreme Court Justices, and how that would effect the balance of powers?

I mean the closest thing we have to monarchs in the United States are Supreme Court Justices. The intent behind the balances of power between the three branches is that the Judicial Branch is not suppose to take sides or project political agendas or influence... but what's the point of passing legislation if the supreme court can just chip away at it, undermine the law and then make it legal or illegal with the swipe of a pen. They literally are the Judges and Jury, and we put limitations on the President and Congress... but who puts limitations on the Supreme Court... are they abusing their power and should there be term limits imposed upon them?

The problem is that in order to do that you would have to amend the constitution, and then the Supreme Court could rule that it is unconstitutional and through it out.
So what do you think about term limits on Supreme Court Justices, and how that would effect the balance of powers?
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