If Boris Johnson was taken down over lies, how come the former Occupant of the WH who constantly lied - didn't suffer the same fate?

Here Lies Boris Johnson

Watching someone take the slow train to an obvious conclusion is always frustrating. Yesterday afternoon, the Conservative politician Sajid Javid stood up in the British Parliament to criticize his party leader, Boris Johnson, for being careless with the truth. “It’s not fair on my ministerial colleagues to go out every morning defending lines that don’t stand up, or don’t hold up,” he said. “At some point we have to conclude that enough is enough. I believe that point is now.”

Johnson took a little longer to acknowledge that reality, but this morning he quit as Conservative leader. He hopes to stay on as prime minister during the contest to replace him, before an official handover in the fall.

Trump Lied More Than 30,000 Times During His Presidency. No Wonder We’re Exhausted.

It’s the first weekend of Joe Biden’s presidency, which surely means a lot of things to many people, but to me, it means I don’t have to spend my weekend shift waiting to write about President Donald Trump’s latest, inevitable lie.

At Mother Jones, we’ve corrected countless Trump falsehoods over the past four years, from his bull about the stock market and hooey about global warming to disinformation about the legitimacy of the election and bunkum about the coronavirus pandemic. It was exhausting. And numbing.

The public’s apathy and despair towards Trump’s lies, researchers point out, were by design: The attacks mirrored a Russian propaganda technique known as the “firehose of falsehood,” which is exactly what it sounds like—relentless, rapid, bogus information. As Mother Jones‘ Mark Follman wrote in October, “Trump is using the autocrat’s playbook. Vladimir Putin’s, to be specific.
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Love how people DEFLECT when it comes to the former occupant of the White House. They would drink the Kool Aid willingly for him. Sacrifice family members and friends for this clown. So when another Jonestown happens, we dont have to say goodbye
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ahh they keep crying Bill Clinton.. How precious! Trump said "Covid would just disappear" would just go away.. drinking bleach and shoving a UV Light up your butt it would go away.. Has Covid gone away Trumplets? Has Trump giving you any miracles?
If Boris Johnson was taken down over lies, how come the former Occupant of the WH who constantly lied - didn't suffer the same fate?
13 Opinion