Do you think there's a difference of a person practicing sin or immoral acts privately and celebrating sin or immoral acts pubically?

I ask this because some American Republican conservatives who claim Christianity say liberals (a lot of them) promote sin and immorality such as abortion and LGBT which is true, but what about serious sins or immoral acts such as lying, arrogance, which is an abomination to God according to the Bible gets ignored?

American Republican conservatives like to paint liberals as all bad and immoral people because they support openly LGBT and abortion rights but these same people at the same time heavily support Donald Trump who openly promotes immoral conduct as greed, materialism, vanity, covetousness, bragging and who himself said "he never ask God for forgiveness"

American republican conservatives like drinking and get drunk pubically at bars, hire hookers to sleep with, gossip, openly gamble because they love money too.

My point is do you think that's hypocrisy and a form of self righteousness in denial?

Do you think theres a difference of a person practicing sin or immoral acts privately and celebrating sin or immoral acts pubically?
Do you think there's a difference of a person practicing sin or immoral acts privately and celebrating sin or immoral acts pubically?
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