As a Police officer why do you protect and Serve?

Everyone is a masochist which is why everyone likes To self destruct put themselves in bad situations like Abusive boyfriend or they get shot by a Friend then they go back to that friend and since they are masochistic they are also narcissistic which is why they get offended and Are so self Centered and don’t like being Told what to do and they are also sadistic which is why they Hurt others and then make up excuses to defend that behavior so why do you protect and serve these Things?
I mean these people love to experience pain they have many forms of masochism like the One that has a savior complex is called a Moral Masochist there is sexual masochist
Masochist like to defend their boyfriend girlfriend or anybody that has Hurt them we all have aspects which is why People are masochistic and enjoy pain narcissistic they get offended and feel like there not able to experience pain they will tell someone that is trying to help them that they are being controlling when all they are trying to do is Help them so that they don’t experience hardships so they get mad and start of drama and that’s masochism and narcissistic aspects.
We’ll have to have narcissism if we don’t then we would never Have an ego a sense of self but narcissism masochism is why we live in a society that is self destructive then is mad at people when they try to prevent them from hurting themselves.
Drug addicts are perfect example of masochism and narcissism alcoholics are sadistic masochistic and narcissistic everybody likes to see people in pain to experience pain to defend pain so they can continue to experience pain there’s no point on helping anybody because I don’t want your Help because they’re masochistic narcissistic and sadistic
1 y
Being Sadistic is why people like to start up shit for no Reason example
Dude is minding his own business some Person decides to Start up Trouble for no Reason
As a Police officer why do you protect and Serve?
6 Opinion