Will there ever be a mainstream rebel “entertainer” that is staunchly conservative (musician, actor, athlete)?


Out of boredom I looked up the history of Green Day and the lead vocalist Billie Joe Armstrong.

Nothing surprised me about his personal life. Came from a broken family, long history of substance abuse, being an anti establishment “punk rocker” (but no problem being a multi-millionaire of course) and also of course a big supporter of the DNC. And what a “surprise” he calls Trump a fascist, similar to Hitler, ad nauseam. I could of guessed all that before even reading his bio.

Anyway there was a time decades ago that being a radical leftist truly was “rebellious” but not any more. Far from it. If anything it ironically makes it only makes you more conformist to modern society

Something tells me that at some point in the near future there will be a rebel rock band, mainstream athlete or (ballziest of all) young A-list actor that will be crazy enough to give a middle finger to the real fascism: modern day liberalism.

1 y
I could see an anti communism uprising in punk. This existed in east Germany in the 70s and 80s.

However this really comes down to the youth realizing what’s going on. Punk is non-conformist. Once they realize that being liberal IS conformist they usually want the opposite via reverse psychology.
1 y
Also being conservative doesn’t mean your all pro Trump. In fact that’s what pissing lots of conservatives off. The left constantly smears us of all being a bunch of KKK, nazi, goose stepping maga cap wearing “trump supporters”. Only a small fraction of conservatives are really like that. Most of vote Republican because we hate the modern left. I can see that motivating a gutsy young artist.
Will there ever be a mainstream rebel “entertainer” that is staunchly conservative (musician, actor, athlete)?
6 Opinion