What stance does the OPPOSITE political stance have that you agree with?


I’m a liberal, so my opposite stance would be a conservative.

Conservative views I agree with

That white straight men are demonized.

I support equality. I do believe Black’s lives are a bit harder than White’s. But I also believe it should’t allow prejudice treatment of whites.

Transgenderism is a mental illness. I’m not saying you’re less of a person. I’m saying yes, it is a mental illness. The reason psychiatrists don’t call it a mental illness before is because your whole IDENTITY is the symptom, not just things like mood swings, depression, anxiety, which are separate. They took it out the DSM so you don’t feel like you’re being called a freak.

Biden is incompetent. He is. Fuck both Trump and Biden.

Abortion. If you were raped, or there’s a case of incest, or the mother’s life is in danger, by all means. But if you were just being a whore, and got pregnant… should the baby die because of your negligence?

So you guys should get the point. If you’re a liberal, what conservative views do you agree with? If you’re a conservative, what liberal views do you agree with? Honestly, unless you’re an extremist on one side or the other, there’s no way you don’t agree with SOME of the opposing side’s views.

What stance does the OPPOSITE political stance have that you agree with?
15 Opinion