Should Prince George abdicate when his time comes?


Let me start by saying this I support all heirs to the Throne. William, George and Charlotte

There's a lot of gender bias regarding Charlotte, that she should lead and rule Britain.

By Birth right George is second in line. As he the first born. And the first born to an heir.

If Charlotte was the first born she would be second in line. But she is not. She is the second Born.

However she is not, her brother is second in line (all sexism and Man (boy) hate aside)

If you say you want gender equality "PROVE IT!"

If anything bad had to happen to the Child, because of gender bias and Male-hate:

I will lose every drop of respect for great Britain that I once had and see it as a barbaric Nation that favour women and girls over gender equality. If they cheat Prince George out of his position as leader as Future king (as he is rightfully the second in line) I will no longer respect the UK if they hurt this innocent child.

Many people in the UK both male and Female want Prince George to abdicate when his time comes , what are your thoughts on the Subject? Should he call it quits now?

I don't follow the masses that want to do so.
Women don't care about equality it's all about girls and women Fuck the boys
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Should Prince George abdicate when his time comes?
3 Opinion