Why are Americans so bloodthirsty about wanting to give nikolas cruz the worst suffering possible?

I know nikolas cruz killed 17 of those little kids, but what I don't understand is what is subjecting him to being gay raped or living in constant violent anxiety for life going to do for the world? In Norway and Sweden they design prisons to be purely for rehabilitation purposes even for killers and rapists. I watched the statements of the victims of cruz's rampage and I am disgusted with the amount of punitive and rage they expressed wanting to put this kid through hell, I swear people in Florida are among the most barbaric violent people in the country.

I guarantee you if cruz was treated like anders bearing brievik and rehabilited and shown love he might be of use to our society.
Why are Americans so bloodthirsty about wanting to give nikolas cruz the worst suffering possible?
Why are Americans so bloodthirsty about wanting to give nikolas cruz the worst suffering possible?
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