Why my work don't call me by my pronoun?

I notified my management and I realized that I wants to transition to a intimate object. I feels my freedom and equality should be a choice and I shouldn't be forced to identify as a human being.

I still don't know if I want to be a plow or a footstool, but what I choose to become is my choice and I have a right to be call 'it.'

So I tells the manager, when you tell a customer 'bout me, i want you say 'It will help you. And, go to it for assistance.' But nah, them people still call me 'Sir' and say tell customers 'He will help you.'

It' is outrage I can't go to work without being referred to as it. I wore a name bade that says 'Thang' and even showed my paper where it clearly state I am property of a body building white girl.

Why my work dont call me by my pronoun?
Why my work don't call me by my pronoun?
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