Why are republicans such hypocrites?



1. They don’t acknowledge discrimination against races unless it’s against white people.
2. They don’t acknowledge sexism unless it’s towards men.
3. They don’t acknowledge discrimination against religion unless it’s against Christians.
4. They refuse to be patriotic when their leader tells them not to be.
5. They claim they hate the riots from the left, then storm the Capitol.
6. They back the police until they investigate their beloved president.
7. It’s their body and their choice when it comes to wearing masks.
8. When 1 million Americans have died from a virus all we have to complain about is gas prices that are going down.
9. When a man jokes about sexually assaulting a woman and has 26 sexual assault allegations we target another man who is joked about being a “pedophile”.
10. Apparently cancel culture is only ok when it comes to burning books.
11. Fake news as a response to something they don’t like.
12. Witch hunt to something they don’t like.
13. CNN is fakes news compared to FOX who has had members leave because of their propaganda and even one left to join CNN.
14. They testify against the number 45 when they are faced in front of a camera in court.
15. They complain more about leftist grooming in our schools then kids capable of getting their hands on guns to kill other children.
16. Foreigners shouldn’t be welcomed, even if the original inhabitants (Native Americans) aren’t asked about what they think.
17. Obamacare is so terrible while Trumpcare doesn’t exist.
18. If the LGBTQ takes in the kids you left behind all of a sudden it’s called “grooming”.
19. It’s voter fraud unless they win.
20. Scenes involving gay kissing is completely different from scenes involving straight kissing.
21. A country with no interest in building an old fashioned wall has no choice because we don’t like immigrants coming from there.
22. Global Warming is serious until we witness its effects.

I could add more but ran out of characters.

1 y
It just from observations republicans tend to be the first to criticize democrats when they did something wrong but never like being held accountable or can’t stand being criticized when someone says something they did was wrong.
1 y
I’m waiting for someone to actually counterargue these points. It’s a bit weird how people are responding no but aren’t actually defending themselves.
Why are republicans such hypocrites?
16 Opinion