Controversial Topic: Race, which race have you experienced the most racism from, how did it affect your views on the race, what happened?

Be honest here, I won't be offended and others try not to be offended it's a good time to connect with others.

My experience with racism will shock the hell out of you. As you may know im black although I do have roots from other races which you can tell by my parents and grandparents. However, I've experience the most racism from my own race! Yes other blacks. It was such a bad experience. I was teased because I didn't speak, dress, act nor listen to black music. I didn't use slang, I dressed like a skater/surfer/punk and my taste in music was very much pop- metal. My friends were those of different races than my own. I grew up in a neighborhood with primarily white, Asian, indians, and small group of latinos a. I just never actually fit in with my own race.
Controversial Topic: Race, which race have you experienced the most racism from, how did it affect your views on the race, what happened?
I've never experience racism
I have experienced it
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1 y
Listen to what was considered "black music "
Controversial Topic: Race, which race have you experienced the most racism from, how did it affect your views on the race, what happened?
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