Why do people think the Republican Party is racist?


Never understood this idea. Let go through history and see which party is racist.

Democrats broke the country up to protect slavery, Republicans freed the slaves.

Democratic set up Jim Crow laws in order to denigrate black folks and make their lives harder and harder. Republicans opposed these laws.

democrats started 3 waves of the KKK to kill black folks and white republicans. Who defeated the rights of blacks to vote.

Democratic tried as hard as possible from preventing them to vote. Republicans nowadays all we want is for everyone to show I. D in order to vote there’s no poll tax

democrat are openly racist. The idea of white private comes from not only a Marxist take on how America works but is racist to black people telling them “it doesn’t matter how hard you work you’ll always be a 2nd class citizen” this message is exactly what the KKK was teaching.

Republican believe black pepper have agency in their lives it doesn’t matter what happened to your grandfather 150 years ago what are you doing now? Black are capable of the same achievement as whites their skin color isn’t a factor. What they’ve been taught is a factor. As long as the welfare state and the Democratic Party exist blacks will have a harder time. Republicans will continue to fight for viewing everyone as an individual not as a group or collective individual can’t be responsible for their neighbors we can only be responsible for ourselves treated everyone based off of merit and not evils of the past is the only way we not be a racist country as long and democratic keep having there racist Marxist attitude about blacks and whites we’ll never move on and we will continue to be at war (be it hot or cold). So are we going to let the racist democrats win or the merit based Republicans win

Why do people think the Republican Party is racist?
21 Opinion