What are your opinions on minorities (Asian, black or Hispanic) that become conservative to the point of alt right? How does that even happen?

Among black people, I have heard officer Tatum call black people “negroes” and also has a white wife. It makes you wonder what he says in private where he can’t be censored! Same with Candace Owens saying America will turn into Mexico and we have to stop brown people from coming in.

Hispanics have said horrible things about illegal immigration and have called them “illegal aliens” in order to dehumanize them. They have also said “I am white” when they are obviously Hispanic or Latino. They don’t understand how we made up race in order to justify slavery so they say “Hispanic isn’t a race” or “I am white” in order to express their self hatred for themselves. They are going to become a race in the future but for now, congress is 95% white so we have to wait for them to die off due to old age. But congress will become very diverse along with other government offices in the future!

It’s the same deal with Asians. I have seen women date white men because they think they are superior. There is a famous interview of an Asian women who is a white nationalist that went viral on the internet. You should hear what she said! Interesting enough, white women that are pro black have also had their fair shares on the internet about being pro black!

How does this happen? Any explanations?
What are your opinions on minorities (Asian, black or Hispanic) that become conservative to the point of alt right? How does that even happen?
What are your opinions on minorities (Asian, black or Hispanic) that become conservative to the point of alt right? How does that even happen?
What are your opinions on minorities (Asian, black or Hispanic) that become conservative to the point of alt right? How does that even happen?
What are your opinions on minorities (Asian, black or Hispanic) that become conservative to the point of alt right? How does that even happen?
22 Opinion