What is your opinion about how the NBA and NFL incorporate “diversity”?

The Rooney rule basically is a rule among the nfl saying you have to hire a black coach for every certain amount of coaches. Now, there is some arguments to be made from both sides which is that if the nfl’s players are majority black then it’s only right that the coaches also be black. That’s the most simple way I could put how the nfl and nba organizations see things from their point of view.

The other side of the argument is what about other minorities that also like the sport? What if there’s a really great Asian coach then should he get hired if he deserves that spot? Well, I think he should.

This is actually not the first time I’ve ever seen Asians get discriminated against inside the United States. The first time I saw something like this was about a student who had perfect sat scores and a 4.5 GPA but Harvard, Yale, Stanford and all of his top Ivy League schools he applied to rejected him for being Asian.
What is your opinion about how the NBA and NFL incorporate “diversity”?
What is your opinion about how the NBA and NFL incorporate “diversity”?
What is your opinion about how the NBA and NFL incorporate “diversity”?
Post Opinion