If it comes down to DeSantis and Trump, who do you believe will get the Republican nomination?

If it comes down to DeSantis and Trump, who do you believe will get the Republican nomination?

These two polls appear to be conflicting:

DeSantis tops Trump in Iowa, ties in New Hampshire head-to-head primary: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3919207-desantis-tops-trump-in-iowa-ties-in-new-hampshire-head-to-head-primary-poll/

POLITICSTrump extends lead over DeSantis in new poll of possible GOP primary field https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/15/2024-gop-primary-polls-trump-grows-lead-over-desantis.html

I like what Trump says he will do, but I don't believe he can be trusted to honor his campaign promises.

If it comes down to DeSantis and Trump, who do you believe will get the Republican nomination?
36 Opinion