Less people want babies than we did in the great depression apparently. So why or why not make da baby in today's climate? What's the need to breed?

Less people want babies than we did in the great depression apparently. So why or why not make da baby in todays climate? Whats the need to breed?

It's the camel toes for me


Does simplicity hold us back?

Are we in a period of time where we truly can change into a more progressive focus on life? Will the insanely high lack of the need to breed eventually bring us to a better conclusion for society?

Religiously I'm sure most can conccur that while growing up they felt they had to go and make a family, be a major provider and get their kids the best chances available to them so they can do the same for their families. Makes a need to breed more of a need for speed. You'd see them grow, and their own families grow and change into something almost magical or sortta unimaginable. However now technically none of these people you made need to even exist really. I mean by the time I'm old I'm pretty sure AI could develop a way to live for eternity. I imagine society and all things considered normal now would change and fit more around how tech evolves. You may not need to work a register but you'll look over the automatic register and talk to the customer as you bag their items. Human interaction will be the only need from humans. The impact of people actually integrating tech as an enhancement to their vessel, removing a need for school, possibly healing themselves naturally through control of the brain. These steps alone could get rid of so much of the life we know and it's not really scratching the surface of possibilites. Sex could easily be done without touching and be much more fulfilling than it may be in your average night with a spouse in bed. Enhancing every touch and thrust to the highest level.

Religion! Bring that back into the forefront of everyone's hearts and minds somehow and it'll absolutely bring us back to a more familiar reality in our future. I think beyond "is the Bible real or not" it sets a good place for our natural being.

But what fears of going for a more traditional life do you have today?

Less people want babies than we did in the great depression apparently. So why or why not make da baby in today's climate? What's the need to breed?
5 Opinion