Why do fake pro lifers deny they want to turn the US into a theocracy?


once you site your opposition to abortion because you believe it goes against God and the bible, then the slippery slope starts into religious dictatorship and fanaticism because then the fanatics act all sanctimonious and act like they are above non christian evangelicals. They deny hating people despite saying vile things about liberals, atheists, gay people , Muslims and anyone non evangelical. The bible not once mentions abortion or killing a fetus quote un quote as a sin and it even gives a formula on how to remove a child not born of holy union and by the way unholy union meant children born out of wedlock and children born of a union of a divorced father and mother which is still a sin. Also the bible doesn't state that gay sex is a sin, it says men shall not sleep with those who are of an innocent age. So by this logic, any opposition to gay people and abortion is due to unadulterated bigotry and hatred. There is no rational opposition to gay marriage and abortion and that is what these fake pro lifers are scared to face their prejudice, hatred, and homophobia. They are scared at the possibility that they are the villains the bible talks about, the pharisees that like to point the finger and stick their nose into everyone's business and private life.

Why do fake pro lifers deny they want to turn the US into a theocracy?
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